Best Practice

Monitoring and Evaluation

Delivered by an expert in his field, Ronan White's Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programmes set up by governments, international organisations and NGOs. This course contains a series of training modules, a list of practical resources and discussion forums that will show you what Monitoring and Evaluation is all about. It will help you to become familiar with the basic principles of M&E sometimes referred to as MEAL as learning is added to this, understand the difference between monitoring and evaluation processes, look at the wide range of tools available, and finally look at practical implementation in your project.

By the end of this course you will be better equipped to understand and conduct project monitoring and project evaluations.

This course is divided into four sections. Each section contains at least two recorded sessions which are between 30-40 minutes long. The total amount of time required to complete this course is 6-10 hours depending on your level of engagement with the material.

Please watch the introduction video below. This video will show you in a step by step guide on how best to navigate your course. It also provides you with information on how best to take part in discussion forums and how to contact our helpdesk.

  • Section 1
  • 1. Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation (With CC)
  • 2. Introduction to Indicators (With CC)
  • Section 2
  • 3. SMARTD Indicators (With CC)
  • 4. Data Gathering Methodologies (With CC)
  • Discussion Forum: Data Gathering Methodologies
  • Section 3
  • 5. Qualitative Methodologies (With CC)
  • Discussion Forum: Participatory Data Gathering Methodologies
  • 6. Mixed Methodologies (With CC)
  • Section 4
  • 7. The Evaluation Process and the Key Roles involved (With CC)
  • 8. Terms of Reference & Triangulation (With CC)
  • Session 4 Discussion Triangulation
  • Additional Resources
  • Monitoring Tools
  • Data Gathering Methods
  • Tools and Resources for Evaluation
  • Course Evaluation
  • Evaluation Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Monitoring Tools, Data Gathering Methods, Tools and Resources for Evaluation , Evaluation Survey"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever